23 Dec 2012 by Olga Brighton
So, you've set your heart on visiting Canada, Ukraine, Uganda or India. You’ve discussed it with your friends and family, browsed vacation sites, but… somehow you just haven't got round to booking. Something is holding you back.
You know that millions of people set off on a trip every day. You probably know that your destination is safe according to surveys and statistics. You keep telling yourself that you’re going to visit it sometime soon… just not yet. It’s all about hidden travel fears. Read on for tips on how to face up to and beat the most common fears that people have about going abroad.
Let’s draw a line between travelling and change of perspective. Visiting a nearby town, taking an hour or two to explore then spending the rest of the day in a bar or night club is not really travelling. It’s just changing your everyday routine. A change of perspective is just a small part of true travelling. True travelling means having new cultural experiences, broadening your horizons and being open to new impressions. It stimulates you, physically and emotionally. But money isn’t the most important factor for a true traveller.
After all, if you’re really determined to see Notre Dame de Paris, you'll manage - even if it means getting there on a shoestring. So don’t get too hung up on money. Chances are, you probably know someone who splurges on every trip but still gets back home regretting the souvenir he didn’t buy, the attraction he didn’t get to. Yet there are lots of travellers who spend no more than £200-£300 and come home feeling relaxed and satisfied. It’s all about your attitude to the future trip and your aims. If you focus on money, you’ll never have enough of it. So set your budget, and then concentrate on having a great time with it!
What if I don’t like skiing? What if I don’t like rafting? What if I don’t like bungee jumping? Nobody can guarantee that you will like all the adventure activities at your future destination, but you won’t know unless you try. One thing's certain; you'll experience something fresh and exhilarating just from doing something different. Even if the activity turns out to be less fun than you hoped, you'll still have shared a unique moment with your friends or your team members. And that’s often the most important part of any travel experience.
Read more: Are You Smart When It Comes to Travel Insurance?
“You must be joking! What about the risks, the hassle?” True, of course - up to a point. But on the flip side, travelling with kids can be really exciting. Children are surprisingly good at adapting to new surroundings. You'll find yourself seeing the world through their eyes. And while keeping an eye on your children takes lots of energy, there are real benefits for everyone. You'll have the kind of experience you just couldn’t get from any other kind of trip. To say nothing of forging the kind of bonds that come from being able to share moments as a family.
There's no denying accidents can happen - at home and abroad. If you're really afraid of risk, it might help to lock the doors and not leave home at all (though even then, there aren’t guarantees!) Instead, why not try thinking of potential mishaps as new adventures? Ever noticed how unmemorable hassle-free holidays turn out to be? Unlike that trip you still laugh about, when nothing went to plan! But don’t forget common sense: a first-aid kit and travel insurance are musts on any trip.
Some people are afraid of travelling alone, pointing to the increased risks and lack of support. But they often overlook the real advantages of solo travelling. You don't have to do what your travel-mate wants to do; you set your own agenda. You go where you please; you eat what you want, when you want. And, as a solo traveller, you’ll probably find yourself chatting to more people than you ever would travelling in a couple or a group.
If you still have doubts, just think about all outstanding possibilities of travelling, and pack your bags! You'll get to experience them at first hand, not from a computer screen. Just go for it, and you'll see wonders you never even dreamt of. Just do it. You’ll never regret it. Got it? Good. There might be hope for you after all. With Globelink cheap travel insurance travelling is a sheer pleasure!
Read more: Top 10 Savvy Traveller Insurance Essentials
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