Top 10 Unusual and Funny Travel Insurance Claims

12 Feb 2014 by Olga Brighton

Travel Insurance Tips

Travel insurance is often associated with things going wrong, but behind the seriousness of it all are some of the funniest and most ridiculous incidents that are happening all over the world every day. It’s these things that turn into jokes and stories, and take a special place in the memories of every traveller. Here are top 10 unusual and funny insurance claims:

1.The pensioner whose false teeth fell out of his mouth while he was vomitting over the side of a cruise ship, put in a claim to his travel insurers and in the claim form chose the option "lost baggage".

false teeth

2. Family camping in Wales was spoiled, when a paratrooper from a nearby airbase landed on campers' tent and broke their equipment. Their claim was not satisfied.

3. The skier who moments after her arrival to an alpine resort realised there was too little snow, claimed for the cost of new skis cost she had bought before her trip. The claim was rejected.

4. A tourist in Sri Lanka needed hospital treatment after a coconut fell on her head when she was reading a book in shade of the palm. Insurance company covered her medical expenses.


5. Girl's dreams about a perfect wedding in the Caribbean were ruined, when her dress caught fire during a barbeque. The bridesgroom grabbed his bride and threw her into the ocean. Luckily, newlyweds made sure to get a good insurance beforehand, so the cost of the ruined dress was refunded.

6. "A deer crashed my windshield, after being enticed by yellow tax sticker on it", one of the travel insurance claims said.


7. A young British tourist got distracted by a flock of girls in bikini and broke his nose when he walked into a bus stop in Athens. Insurance company paid for his trauma care.

8. Two children in Cornwall buried their parents' camera in the sand, so that no one could steal it while they were swimming. However they could not find the place of burial. Fortunately, insurance company paid out.

9. A couple on vacation in Malaysia returned to their cabin and found that monkeys took their clothes and scattered them all across the local rainforest. Thankfully, insurance company paid their claim.


10. Two tourists in Devon filed a claim for damage of the airbrush art on their car, after it was licked by a herd of cows.

To laugh about silly accidents and funny encounters you need to feel safe. Don't forget to get your travel insurance policy, so you could enjoy to the fullest every comical moment of your future journey.

Read also: Travel Insurance Unravelled - Are You an Expert or Novice?

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