Here you will find information about Medical and Health condition such as Pre-existing Medical Condition, what will happen when you call Health Check, Guaranteed Repatriation where medically necessary, etc. More details about Pre-Existing Medical Conditions.
If you have an accident or need medical treatment for an illness, you or the hospital that is treating you should contact the 24 hour Emergency Assistance Service. The Emergency Assistance Service will confirm your cover and handle all negotiations on your behalf. Your insurers will usually settle the account directly with the hospital but if it is a minor injury treatable by a GP or local hospital, you can settle the bill yourself and claim this back.
IMPORTANT. It is imperative that you contact the 24 hour emergency services before any claim to ensure that you are covered.
24 Hour Emergency Assistance Contact Details. This important information is shown on your Emergency Assistance Card and also at the bottom of your Travel Insurance Certificate both of which will be issued to you when you arrange your policy with us.
The cover under the policy includes the cost of return to your country of residence within the European Union of an injured or sick Insured by air ambulance or other medically appropriate means where, in the opinion of the Insurers medical advisers, such return is medically necessary. Additional cover for clients who hold Australian, New Zealand or South African passports can be arranged for an additional premium. Prior authorisation by 24 Hours Emergency Assistance must be obtained.
If there is an immediate need for a rescue helicopter it will be called either from the ship or through the Emergency Services.
The following activities are included within the cover as standard, as long as they are amateur activities, conducted under adequate supervision and on an incidental basis.
Archery, Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Beach Games, Black Water Rafting (to Grade 3), Blade Skating, Bowls, Bungee Jumping (Max 3 Jumps), Canoeing, Clay Pigeon Shooting, Cricket, Cycling (Low Use), Deep Sea Fishing, Dinghy Sailing, Fell Running, Fell Walking, Fencing, Fishing, Football (Amateur), Golf, Horse Riding, Hiking under 2500m Worldwide, Jet Boating, Jet Skiing, Jogging, Kayaking, Lapland Activities – (Husky/Reindeer ride, Snowmobile, Sledging. Excluding Bob-sleighs), Marathon Running, Netball, Manual work involving hand tools only and at ground level, Orienteering, Parascending, Pony Trekking, Racket Ball, Rambling, River Canoeing, Roller Blading, Roller Skating, Rounders, Rowing, Safari, Sailing, Sail Boarding, Scuba Diving (max 30m), Skate boarding, Snorkelling, Surfing, Squash, Tennis, Track Events, Trekking under 3500m Worldwide, Triathlon, Volley Ball, War Games/Paint Balling, Water Polo, Water Skiing, White Water Rafting (to grade 3), Windsurfing, Yachting.
The following activities are also included without the need for you to pay an additional premium subject to medical excess increased to £100 and Personal Accident and Personal Liability excluded from cover: Abseiling, Ballooning, Catamaran Sailing, Gymnastics, Heptathlon, Judo, Karate, Kung Fu (training only and no contact), Martial Arts (training only and no contact), Motorcycling up to 250cc, Street Hockey. Category 3 and Category 4 Activities can be included for an extra premium.
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