22 Aug 2013 by Olga Brighton
The Globelink Travel Insurance team has launched a new interactive website designed to be both a travel resource and give you even faster access to assistance when you need it, via laptop or smartphone.
Packed with travel news, safety tips, videos and first-hand travel experiences, Globelink makes it easier than ever to take out decent travel insurance policy at the right price, and puts help at your fingertips when things go wrong abroad.
The new website enables Globelink clients to manage all aspects of their travel policy ultra-fast: view and print your past and current policies, print off a claim form or renew your insurance policy instantly with a few simple clicks.Not sure which cover is right for you? The Globelink team will give you fast onscreen advice, guiding you through a range of policies designed to provide protection on just about every kind of trip.
Illness, accident, theft... trouble can and does strike when you least expect it, and it pays to have your travel insurance certificate handy when it does. Scan the QR code on the website before you travel, and save the certificate to your smartphone in case of need. Caught in an emergency? The Globelink team will text 24 Hour Emergency Assistance information straight to your mobile, sparing you the hassle of phone calls from abroad when you’re already under maximum stress.
As a partner of the FCO’s Know Before You Go campaign, Globelink has designed the site as a practical resource for use before, during and after your trip. Whether you’re heading off on a 15 month trek or just for a week’s R&R, the Globelink website can help you stay safe and get the most out of your travels. Get wise to the travel scams, stay informed with foreign travel updates and safety tips, catch the latest on deals on destinations or be inspired by the travellers’ tales on our blog. With Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Flickr, Youtube and LinkedIn widgets, Globelink’s new website makes it easy to connect with the travel community and stay savvy when you’re on the move.
For client testimonials or to get a secure online quote for affordable single trip or annual multi-trip travel insurance, visit www.globelink.co.uk or contact the Globelink Administration team on +44 (0)1353 699082.
Globelink Travel Insurance is an established UK-based consultancy providing affordable travel insurance policies for travellers aged up to 84 and resident in the EU. Globelink Comprehensive Single Trip and Annual Multi-Trip policies include a range of options designed to provide decent insurance for almost any trip, from adventure sports to cruise holidays.
Read also: What Differs Globelink from Others – Why to Choose Us?
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