FCDO Travel Advice

  • Warnings on the country you plan visiting
  • Safety and Security
  • Current travel advice
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FCDO Travel Advice

Irrespective of your reason for travelling abroad, you need to make sure you do everything to make the trip less stressful and trouble-free. The majority of mishaps occurring to travellers abroad can be easily prevented by careful and mindful preparation prior to departure. If you still don’t know what travel resource to trust, then trust the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.

Who are the FCDO?

The FCDO, commonly known as the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, is the British Government Department responsible for protecting British interests and British nationals worldwide. They provide up-to-date travel information to help British citizens plan their trips and stay safe whilst abroad. The FCDO recommendations can be broken down into two categories: pre-departure and in-country advice.

Pre-Departure Advice

  • Take out a travel insurance policy that covers your pre-existing medical conditions and all the adventure activities you plan to be involved in, if any.
  • If you travel within Europe, take your EHIC, which will provide you with the same level of free medical treatment as your travel destination residents receive.
  • Visit the FCDO website and get to know the information and warnings on the country you plan to visit.

FCDO Advice Categories:

In-Country Advice:

  • Always carry a photocopy of your passport and other important travel documents with you.
  • Follow the same safety precautions as you do in your home country and try not to show you are a tourist.
  • Contact your local British embassy or consulate as soon as anything goes wrong with you or your travel companion, especially if you become a victim of a crime abroad.

More to Know about the FCDO:

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